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調整及維修各類弦樂 2778 9280

Specialize in Repairing and tonal adjustment

  1. Get rid of the old glue before fingerboard assemble
  2. put wrong glue (for shoes reparing) onto the fingerboard)

    One of our customers put some wrong glue onto the fingerboard, we have to get rid of the old glue before reglue it again

  3. A new bridge being made to replace the broken one
  4. measuring the width between strings for a cello bridge
  5. Regluing open seams of an antique violin

    putting clamps on to edges of the violin, let it be one to three hours and have it final checked.

  6. trim a violin bridge to make less sound barrier from the strings down to the bottom of body

  7. I am cutting and make sure there is less material on the bridge, the least amount of material is going to allow the strings vibrate through the bridge freely, the cello belongs to one of my customers, (Anna) she will bring this cello to study overseas Final check up for this cello and changing another set of strings for her

  8. Regluing open seams of an antique violin


  9. Regluing open seams of an antique violin

    Working on a 100-yr-old violin, check up the length of open seam, and have the glue prepared.

  10. Regluing open seams of an antique violin

    Working on a 100-yr-old violin, check up the length of open seam, and have the glue prepared.

  11. Reglue the neck of a French Violin
  12. Reglue the neck of a French Violin
  13. Reglue the neck of a French Violin
  14. Reglue a saddle of cello
  15. Reglue a saddle of cello
  16. Making a new nut for a German Violin 1
  17. Making a new nut for a German Violin 2
  18. Making a new nut for a German Violin 3
  19. Making a new bridge for an European Violin
  20. Making a new block of wood for edges of violin
  21. Fixing tight-turn tuning pegs of a 1/4 sized cello

  22. Fixing open seam of a cello
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